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2018 ‘Days of Intrigue’ Simulation Focuses on Crisis in the Levant

Posted on: April 14th, 2018 by

large group photoEighty CISS students on April 13-14, 2018 participated in the Center’s 8th annual ‘Days of Intrigue’ (DOI) intelligence simulation, making it the largest DOI ever.  This year’s simulation focused on escalating hostilities in the Levant between Israel, Hizballah, Syria, Russia, and Iran.  Senior officers from the Central Intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, Department of Homeland Security, Department of State, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and National Security Agency attended the simulation, led teams corresponding to their agencies, and shared insights about careers in the IC.  In an interesting coincidence, the United States military struck suspected Syrian chemical weapons sites during the first night of the simulation, adding an element of realism and timeliness to the DOI storyline.Panel of students at tableWoman speaking with white board behindWhite board illustrationPanel of people sitting at a table